Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cupid's in love

Hi, I'm Cupid. I just love love and seeing others in love makes me happy. Everything I do is with a positive attitude and a big smile on my face.

I am in love with Vixen - she is the prettiest reindeer at the North Pole!!!  I like to take long walks in the cover of darkness to her stable and then take pictures of her for my secret wall collage.

My mental health practitioner, Dr Boris Loose-Wire, believes that I might have an unhealthy obsession with Vixen and that I should comply with the current Restraining Order that she has placed on me. I know that she was only joking!!!!

Well, better get going. I heard that Vixen and Dasher are going for a run. So I need to be in a good position to take more photos. Mum's the word!

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